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2 Month Old Baby Sleep and Feeding Schedules


2 Month Old Baby Sleep and Feeding Schedules

This article outlines the average 2-month-old baby schedule, including milk feedings for breastfeeding and formula-feeding babies, solids, naps, and nighttime sleep.

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2 Month Old Baby Sleep and Development

At 2 months, your baby is moving past the newborn stage but is still considered a newborn. Your baby is likely extending their wake windows and staying awake longer during the day. They might also be starting to smile more at you and show some personality. It’s such a wonderful time of development!

By 2 months old, your baby’s sleep is likely still a bit erratic as sleep begins to organize. Your baby may sleep in longer stretches at night within the next few weeks, and be awake more during the day. It may take some time to get there, so if your 2-month-old is still very sleepy, that’s normal!

Most 2-month-olds sleep 9-12 hours at night and 4-6 hours during the day broken into several naps. Many 2-month-olds are still eating several times a night or every 3 hours. Bedtimes aren’t always very early at this age given babies aren’t yet sleeping 11-12 hours, yet, as they will at 4 months old. As your baby grows and matures, he or she will consolidate sleep and transition to just 3 naps by 5-6 months old.

How Many Naps for a 2 Month Old?

Most 2 month old babies take 4-5 naps each day that total 4 to 6 hours. This is primarily because babies this age stay awake just 1 to 1 1/2 hours at a time.

2 Month Old Baby Feeding

Your baby will likely also start to consolidate feedings beginning around 2 months old, especially if formula-fed. Your baby’s stomach capacity is getting bigger, so your 2-month-old baby will begin to be able to go for longer stretches between feedings. Do remember, though, that if you are breastfeeding, you’ll want to continue to breastfeed at least every few hours during the day, and your baby will continue to need night feedings at this age, which also maintains your milk supply.

If your baby is still waking frequently at 2 months old, you may start to wonder about introducing solid food, in order to help your baby sleep. However, keep in mind that starting solids doesn’t usually improve sleep, and 2 months old is still considered too young to begin solid food. It’s best to stick exclusively with breastmilk or formula unless your healthcare provider indicates you should do otherwise.


Sample 2 Month Old Sleep and Feeding Schedule

Breastfeeding 2 Month Old Baby Schedule

7:00 — Wake (*Fixed Point)
7:00 — Feed
8:30 — Nap (*Fixed Point)
9:00 — Wake and Feed
11:00 — Feed and Nap
1:00 — Wake and Feed
2:00 — Nap
2:30 — Wake and Feed
4:30 — Feed and Nap
6:30 — Feed
7:00 — Catnap
8:30 — Catnap
10:00 — Feed and Bedtime
+ 3 night feedings

* – we recommend you make these fixed points in your baby’s schedule. You can read more about this in our article on fixed points in a baby schedule.

Formula-Fed 2 Month Old Baby Schedule

7:00 — Wake and Feed (*Fixed Point)
8:30 — Nap (*Fixed Point)
10:00 — Wake and Feed
11:30 — Nap
1:00 — Wake and Feed
2:30 — Nap
3:30 — Wake
4:00 — Feed
4:30 — Catnap
5:00 — Wake
6:00 — Feed
6:30 — Catnap
8:30 — Catnap
10:00 — Feed and Bedtime
+ 2-3 night feedings

* – we recommend you make these fixed points in your baby’s schedule. You can read more about this in our article on fixed points in a baby schedule.

Note: This schedule somewhat follows the eat-play-sleep routine, however, it is sometimes hard to do at this age when the amount of time between naps is not long enough and your baby wakes too early from his nap because of a feeding.

Looking for more sample schedules? Become a VIP member and use our custom schedule maker or view over 40 sample schedules in our e-Book, Mastering Naps and Schedules!

What is your 2-month-old baby’s schedule or routine?

The post 2 Month Old Baby Sleep and Feeding Schedules appeared first on The Baby Sleep Site - Baby / Toddler Sleep Consultants.

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